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COVID and Chaos

  • The Animal Selves Rejoice as the Pandemic Recedes - Artwork by Cecelia Kane
  • Artwork by Cecelia Kane
  • Artwork by Cecelia Kane
  • Artwork by Cecelia Kane
  • Artwork by Cecelia Kane
  • Artwork by Cecelia Kane

COVID and Chaos

As a solo artist, the Lockdown gave me time and purpose. I was energized to paint, reflect and confront the virus in a painterly way, and more broadly to take personal power against the chaotic world of wildfires, a pandemic, political polarization, mass migrations and racial injustice to name a few. In this work I am the tree paintings and the grace of the roses. This is my power, and so was born this installation. The gallery is bathed in soft rosy light. Grace is everywhere. Click here to see my installation and performance video by Jake Thomas.

Finally, I sit at a small table in the gallery with a stack of printed papers, and scissors, cutting out and haphazardly tossing the image of a pink rose that I photographed, and had printed multiple times across a ream of papers. I will continue this repetitive action continually during the run of the show whenever the library is open. Anyone can join me in this daily meditation on the transformative power of Grace vs the destructive power of Chaos. – Cecelia Kane, September, 2021

Feature article, “Art in the Time of Covid” on the Vermont Arts Council website August 19, 2021